About Us
GIBB is a multidisciplinary portuguese company of Consulting and Design with strong national and international reputation. Over the last decade, GIBB has selected the african continent as a key market to develop its international operation, on its own or by establishing strategic cooperation with some of the most influential consultants in that region.
GIBB was originated from the british consultant and engineering group Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners that was founded in 1922 and extended its activity to Portugal by opening an office in Lisbon in 1991. In 2011, GIBB became part of the Finertec Group with the acquisition of the majority of the capital by one of its subsidiaries.
Respecting the example and the values of that prestigious british firm, GIBB has earned its place with independence and impartiality in the multidisciplinary engineering market, through the most meticulous criteria in the selection of its staff (when necessary supported by external consultants – scholars, experts or technicians for specific support) and methodologies. In this scenario, it is worth mentioning a partnership agreement with consultants Engimais SA, for major interventions of Project and Construction Management, M&E Installations and Maintenance, Evaluations, Inspections and Due Diligences. Engimais, with its expertise and a strong credibility that results from the clear impartiality and equidistance criteria of its positioning in this market sector, brings added value in this branch of engineering services over the Projects Life Cycle.
As a direct result of this combination, GIBB is genuinely able to plan its mission and claim its own culture, fully oriented for the satisfaction of its clients, its staff and business partners.